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Getting to know the Library and Archive Centre

The Library is open seven days a week with a range of spaces for group and individual study across the five floors of the building.

Our collection is a mix of on-shelf materials and online resources providing access to more than 500,000 books and ebooks, 350 PCs and a huge range of online resources including databases, journals and more.

You can take a break from your studies in our café or the Relax and Renew area on Level 0.

Speak to our friendly staff at the library desk on Level 0 or chat with us online below. You can also contact your librarian who can help you make the best use of our resources, from developing your topic and choosing sources, to managing your references.

The Library is home to the University Archive Centre, a visually engaging space open to everyone. Our unique archives and special collections include a permanent display of personal objects from Sir Alex Ferguson's life.

Quick links

New to the library

Find out about the services offered by our library

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Opening hours

Find out when the library building is open

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Database A-Z

This A-Z lists all databases available to GCU students and staff

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Resource lists

Find your reading list

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Browse journals

Browse a variety of journals by title or subject

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Manage my library account

Access your library account to renew your loans, make or cancel library requests and view notices

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We have a wide range of referencing tools available to help you during your studies

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RefWorks is an online reference manager tool

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Subject guides

These guides highlight subject key resources, help with referencing, and assessing information

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Archiving toolkit

The Social Enterprise Archiving Toolkit (SEAT) helps people value and share their stories and ensure that they are kept safe for future generations

Access toolkit

Archives and special collections

Learn about the services we offer and the subjects covered in our archives and special collections

Archives website