In psychology, we describe, explain and predict thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Psychologists carry out research, develop theories and often try to solve practical problems. These three elements all feature strongly in this applied psychology course. Psychology’s intriguing subject matter, blend of specialist knowledge and generic skills provide its graduates with opportunities for personal growth, and many of the characteristics sought by potential employers.
The overarching aim of the course is to provide a stimulating and challenging education in applied psychology. BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology will allow you to learn about psychological theory and research and how this can be applied to the real world. The core psychology curriculum will be contextualised with real-world examples and a suite of applied psychology modules will introduce students to different professions in psychology. This will be beneficial to graduates in seeking employment or higher study after completion of the programme. The course also offers a range of psychology modules covering the main areas of the discipline and a host of applied areas such as mental health and wellbeing, and substance use.
To become a Chartered Psychologist, graduates are required to carry out further study and practice in a particular area such as clinical, forensic, health, educational, counselling and sport and exercise psychology. The BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology programme offers specialism in four of these areas: counselling, forensic, health and sport and exercise psychology. Students can exit with a named award in one of these areas, providing specific modules have been taken. With a choice of final year options, you have the opportunity to specialise in a preferred area of study. By taking optional modules and undertaking a relevant research project, you can graduate with a BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology (Counselling), a BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology (Forensic), a BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology (Health) or a BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology (Sport and Exercise).
There are opportunities to spend a trimester studying abroad and you have the additional option of studying a biology or social science subject during the programme.
All programme pathways are accredited by the British Psychological Society and meet the requirements for Graduate Level Chartered Membership (GBC) with the Society.
In addition to our labs for biological and cognitive experimentation, we have a newly-furnished virtual reality (VR) lab, used in both our Digital and Social Cyberpsychology modules.
Your career
Graduates can become a Chartered Psychologist after further study and postgraduate training in areas such as clinical, educational, health, occupational, counselling, sport and exercise or forensic psychology, or undertake research and follow an academic career.
What you
will study

96% of students at Glasgow Caledonian University responded that staff teaching this course are good at explaining things in the National Student Survey 2024