Research proposal and dissertation

In addition to the information research skills which you develop as you progress through your course, undergraduate honours students and postgraduate students are required to develop and carry out a small-scale piece of research as part of their degree course. For undergraduate students, the research process starts either in Semester B of L3 or in semester A of L4, depending on how your course is structured. For postgraduate students, this process starts in Semester B of your course.

The research process during your degree has two stages:

Unlike an essay or report, which evaluates, draws conclusions and makes judgements on the basis of published evidence (ie the literature), a research proposal does not answer a question, but identifies/develops a question for research and explains

Once the research proposal has been approved by a supervisor, the researcher gathers primary or secondary data, analyses it and presents the results in the dissertation.

A research question is not the same as a topic. A research question should be specific and narrowly-focussed on a context such as a type of organisation (SME, third sector organisation, supermarket, national park, etc); a sector (telecommunications, voluntary sector, retail, a social group that meets specific criteria such as demographic, gender or experience; a geographical area). Because a research question is focused on a specific context, the answer to the question is not in the published research literature: the research question you develop will be answered in your dissertation by analysing the data that you collect. The type of data that you collect depends on what you want to find out

The type of data you need depends on your research question. Most students doing research for a business or marketing topic are encouraged not to analyse only secondary data, but also to gather and analyse primary data. By contrast, it is quite common for students in finance and finance-related disciplines to develop a research question that requires only secondary analysis (eg of published financial or numerical data). Students studying history often analyse documentary sources (secondary data), while criminology, politics or sociology students may gather primary data from informants, or may analyse secondary data sources.  Media research often involves analysis of media content.

In identifying a research question, access is possibly the most important consideration. In order to answer your research question, you must have access to the primary or secondary data sources that can provide the information you need. You also need to bear in mind that information may be confidential, either for commercial reasons or because of its sensitive nature and so it may not be available to you.

All research proposals for dissertations have a similar structure, although the terminology relating to sections within the proposal may vary. The word count also varies – check your module handbook for a detailed description of what is required and the word count for each section.

The aim of the literature is to identify key theories, models and/or research studies that shape our understanding of the issue. The research proposal is only a preliminary overview of the literature – the word count at this stage is not sufficient for a comprehensive literature review.  You will explore the literature in greater depth in your dissertation.

Your review of the literature should be guided by these questions:

A dissertation is an extended piece of work (around 10-12,000 words) on a subject related to your degree course. You will normally choose the subject yourself which may develop from a research proposal you have completed earlier.

The dissertation is typically based on original research and demonstrates your expertise on the subject area. Dissertation comes from the Latin word ‘dissertare’ = ‘to debate’. Therefore your dissertation should include an examination of the subject from a number of different viewpoints.

Typically your dissertation should:

This website contains general information and guidance on dissertation writing. However, always check your module handbook and with your supervisor for specific details.

A dissertation is a detailed report on your research investigation. It focuses on exploration of the particular issue or problem that your initial research proposal identifies as requiring further research. The key differences between the proposal and dissertation are that you will now be putting your proposed research design into practice to collect and then analyse your data.

Typically a dissertation has the following key features:

Always check with your dissertation supervisor for specific details.

As for the proposal, the dissertation is developed from, and closely directed by a specific research question and/or aim [A clear statement of what you want to find out or achieve]. These may change from your initially proposed aim and/or question. Your research aim and/ or question should clearly and simply express the focus of your inquiry and the key variables you explore. The research question is not the same as a topic. A research question should be specific and narrowly-focussed on a context for example a type of organisation (SME, third sector organisation, supermarket, national park, etc); a sector (telecommunications, voluntary sector, retail); a social group that meets specific criteria such as demographic, gender or experience and/or a particular geographical area).

Because a research question is focussed on a specific context, the answer to the question is not in the published research literature: the research question you develop will be answered by analysing data that you collect.

A research aim and/or question can be built around the following key phrases:

A dissertation is further directed by having research objectives. These are clear statements that explain how you will meet your research aim and/or address the research question you have established. Objectives can be built using the following wording:

For many dissertations the objectives correspond to each main chapter or key stage of the research process:

The introduction chapter provides the background/bigger picture and rationale to your dissertation. This can be developed in a range of ways:

The following two samples illustrate how two writers clearly meet these purposes.

Intro example file 1

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Intro example file 2

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What is a literature review?

The literature review chapter critically reviews key themes/issues relevant to your research topic and study’s aim, drawing on references to academic literature as appropriate. It presents a logical, detailed and coherent picture of what literature tells us about your selected research topic. Specifically it weaves together analysis of some or all of the following, funnelling down from a broad to specific analysis of the issues relevant to your dissertation:

Structure of the literature review

The literature review chapter critically reviews key themes/issues relevant to your research topic and study’s aim, drawing on references to academic literature as appropriate. It presents a logical, detailed and coherent picture of what literature tells us about your selected research topic. Specifically it weaves together analysis of some or all of the following, funnelling down from a broad to specific analysis of the issues relevant to your dissertation:

Writing critically in the literature review

Writing critically in the literature review about key debates/points of view

Critical writing can be developed by considering these questions:

Writing critically in the literature review about definitions

Critical writing can be developed by considering these questions:

Writing critically in the literature review about models, frameworks and/or theories

Critical writing can be developed by considering these questions:

Writing critically in the literature review about research articles from journal publications

How does the literature review chapter link with the methodology?

From a critical review of the literature you identify key issues/themes/gaps/questions that require further investigation through the small-scale research project that you will explain and justify in the methodology. Overall your literature review should inform and direct your methodology in terms of what data you will collect, how you will do so, from where and from whom, allowing you to address the questions the literature raises.

What is a methodology chapter?

In the methodology chapter you are expected to draw on a range of textbooks on research methods to explain and justify all aspects of your chosen research design. The explanations and justifications in each of the following typical sections should continually link to your investigation and generally follow this structure:

Please check your dissertation module handbook and with your supervisor for specific guidelines on the content and structure expected for the methodology chapter.

What is included in a findings chapter?

For some dissertations you will be asked to have a stand-alone findings chapter. This chapter focuses on the presentation of your data. This is typically presented in tables, charts and graphs etc., with accompanying concise commentary that describes, compares and contrasts e.g. patterns, trends and statistical results. It is in the next chapter where you use previous research and theory as explored in the literature review, to analyse and interpret these data as presented in the findings chapter.

You do this through comparing your data with previous debates, definitions, theories, models and/or research as reviewed in your literature review chapter

(See GUIDANCE NOTES: Using the literature review to analyse your data for further key questions to prompt comparison of your data with previous research)

The conclusion chapter is not just a simple summary of all you have covered in the dissertation e.g. “I have looked at literature, then I designed an investigation and I analysed results…” Instead, you should restate, and offer answers to your research aim and/or question, key research objectives or hypotheses e.g. Key issues to emerge from the literature were… From comparing the data interviews with previous research it can be concluded that… Based on your conclusions you should be able to make recommendations for:

Provide an overview of the chapter in which you:

You can then conclude on each research objective in turn:

Make recommendations based on key conclusions:

In assessing your dissertation the marker expects to see that:

Please your dissertation module handbook for the specific marking criteria that will be used to assess your work.