Links to self-teach materials for software applications
Word Processing 1
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to understand and use MS Word to:
Start MS Word Enter text Use the spellchecker Start MS Word Use the word count function Download Word Processing 1 PDF
Word Processing 2
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to understand and use MS Word for more advanced purposes:
Changing margins Inserting Header and Footer information Inserting tables Using bulleted and numbered lists Inserting page breaks Using special characters and symbols Using the equation tool Inserting clip art/graphics and pictures Download Word Processing 2 PDF
Word Processing for Dissertation
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to understand and use MS Word to format a large document such as a dissertation:
Using styles within MS Word Creating and modifying styles Using the caption command Inserting page numbering Using the section break command for formatting Using the Show/Hide Command Viewing the Navigation Pane Creating an automatic table of contents Creating an automatic list of tables, figures etc Printing a large document Download Word Processing for Dissertations PDF
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to understand MS Excel for basic purposes.
Starting Excel and entering data Editing and formatting data Printing a spreadsheet Entering formulae Using Excel functions Using special characters and symbols Sorting data Creating charts and graphs Download Excel PDF
Excel Advanced
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to understand and use MS Excel for more advanced purposes:
Editing and inserting data Conditional formatting Naming sheets Sorting data Filtering data Parsing data Using the SUM function Using the Average function Using conditional/logical function (IF/Countif) Using the Look Up function Using the Subtotals function Creating charts and graphs Using PivotTables Download Excel Advanced PDF
Excel for Analysis
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to understand and use Excel to:
Create Sum/Average and Countif formula Perform Crosstabulation Perform Chi Square Test Perform a T-Test Perform a Correlation Create a Pivot Table Download Excel for Analysis PDF
This booklet once completed will help you to understand MS PowerPoint and do the following:
Open MS PowerPoint Prepare a presentation Create new slides Insert graphics onto slides Add transition effects to slides Add animation effects to slides Create hyperlinks within a presentation Add a slide style and design Produce speaker notes and handouts Perform a Chi Square test Download PowerPoint 2016 PDF
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to create a poster using MS Publisher and do the following:
Open a blank poster in MS Publisher Resize a poster Enter text on a poster Add images to a poster Group objects on a poster Add tables to a poster Arrange items on a poster Print a poster Download Using Publisher to create Posters PDF
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to understand and use SPSS to:
Open SPSS and create a data file Switch between views Filter Data Recode Data Create Charts and Graphs and edit Perform Crosstabulation Perform Chi Square Test Perform T-Test Perform Correlation Download SPSS v28 Guide (PDF)
A Students Guide to MS Sway
This booklet contains notes and tasks which once completed will help you to understand MS Sway to:
MS Sway Add Content in terms of text; audio; video Edit Content Run the presentation