Interprofessional Simulation Centre

Our interprofessional simulation centre provides an exciting range of realistic clinical and community environments to assist our health and social care students as they develop the clinical and practical skills necessary for their future professional lives. Each of the areas in this specialist teaching facility has been equipped with genuine healthcare equipment to create a range of authentic settings where students can develop their skills and knowledge in a safe, supportive and realistic environment. We are able to simulate real-life scenarios with the use of programmable patient manikins. The Centre’s in-built camera system allows student activities to be recorded and replayed to further enhance their learning.

Our simulation facilities include:

  • Three adult ward areas
  • A Paediatric ward area
  • An emergency room
  • A home environment, with a bedsit, an adapted living area and a care home room
  • An X-ray suite, with Direct Radiography (DR) system, ultrasound suite, mini PACS system  and scan trainer simulation facilities
  • Radiotherapy Planning Suite
  • A Podiatry clinic
  • Two large 15-bedded clinical spaces
  • A range of practice rooms, with examination plinths
  • Six briefing/debriefing rooms

For more information on any aspect of the Simulation Centre or to book a room or equipment in the centre, email

GCU Inter-Professional Simulation Centre

A fly through tour

504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out