Step 5

Start study and keep proof of approvals

Keep Proof of Approvals:

Once you have obtained the necessary approvals, it is crucial to keep detailed records. Ensure you have copies of all approval documents and correspondence. This proof is essential for accountability and may be required for future reference or audits.

Start Your Research:

With all approvals in place, you can commence your study. Adhering to the ethical standards and guidelines set forth during the approval process is vital for maintaining the integrity and credibility of your research.

Step 1

Guidelines for Completing the EC1 Form and Student Documentation

Learn more

Step 2

Write EC1 form and study documents (Documents available to download here)

Learn more

Step 3

Secure GCU ethical approval from the committee

Learn more

Step 4

Secure all necessary external approvals (for example NHS, gatekeeper)

Learn more

Step 5

Start study and keep proof of approvals

Learn more