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Compliance with physical activity guidelines in a group of UK based postal workers using an objective monitoring technique. Chastin SFM, Dall PM, Tigbe WW, Grant PM, Ryan CG, Rafferty D, Granat MH. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2009; 106(6):893-9. Understanding predictors of low physical activity in adults with intellectual disabilities. Finlayson J, Jackson A, Cooper S-A, Morrison J, Melville C, Smiley E, Allan L, Mantry D. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2009; 22: 236-247.Walking and talking: an investigation of cognitive–motor dual tasking in multiple sclerosis. Hamilton F, Rochester L, Paul L, Rafferty D, O’Leary CP and Evans JJ. Multiple Sclerosis 2009; 15: 1215-1227.Quadriceps activity and physical activity profiles over long durations in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and controls. Howe TE, Rafferty D. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2009; 19(2):e78-e83. Physiological Cost of Walking in those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Paul L, Rafferty D, Marshall R. Disability & Rehabilitation 2009; 31(9):1598-1604. The effect of functional electrical stimulation on the physiological cost of gait in people with multiple sclerosis. Paul L, Rafferty D, Young S, Miller L, Mattison P, McFadyen A. Multiple Sclerosis, 2009; 14:954-961.Individuals with chronic low back pain have a lower level, and an altered pattern, of physical activity compared with matched controls: an observational study. Ryan CG, Grant PM, Dall PM, Gray H, Newton M, Granat MH. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 2009; 55:53-8.A theory of challenge and threat states in athletes. Jones M, Meijen C, McCarthy P, Sheffield D. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 2009; 2(2): 161-180.Adults with intellectual disabilities: prevalence, incidence and remission of aggressive behaviour and related factors. Cooper S-A, Smiley E, Jackson A, Finlayson J, Allan L, Mantry D, Morrison J. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2009; 53(3): 217-232.Adults with intellectual disabilities: prevalence, incidence and remission of self-injurious behaviour and related factors. Cooper S-A, Smiley E, Allan LM, Jackson A, Finlayson J, Mantry D, Morrison J. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2009; 53(3): 200-216.Putting imagery to good affect: a case study among youth swimmers. McCarthy P. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review 2009; 5(1): 27-38.