The Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit (NMAHP-RU) is jointly hosted by GCU and the University of Stirling and is a national unit funded directly by the Scottish Government’s Chief Scientist Office, with expertise in the development and implementation of large scale trials of complex NMAHP-RU interventions; expertise in systematic reviews and in the design and successful completion of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and cluster randomised trials (CRT).

The remit of the Unit is:

  • To develop a high quality research agenda which is useful and relevant to direct patient care
  • To provide a strong national focus for patient care research
  • To involve nurses and other direct care staff where appropriate in its research

We work collaboratively with academic and clinical colleagues across Scotland and internationally to enable us to maximise the valuable outputs we produce.

We aim to increase the capacity and capability of NMAHP-RU researchers at all levels, from the novice researcher to the research leader, through supervision, mentoring, and involvement in the Unit’s programmes of work.

Research at GCU within this unit has included a research programme leading to improvements in evidence-based clinical assessment and treatment of pelvic organ prolapse, a distressing condition affecting up to 50% of women worldwide. High-quality, internationally-relevant trial work on the effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle Training has led to improvements in the clinical interventions delivered for prolapse.

Research also includes the standardisation of outcome measures for stroke rehabilitation trials; the long term consequences for stroke survivors and health professionals; and the epidemiology, risk factors and natural history of urinary incontinence after stroke.

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We are focused on enhancing the lives of people with long-term health conditions, developing and evaluating public health and lifestyle interventions.

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