ePrEP research updates

October 2023

This is the first of our quarterly updates where we let you know how our research is progressing.

We have started recruiting for our first study

We have been busy setting up our first study where we are testing part of the ePrEP Clinic (the medical questionnaire).

In this study, we are making sure the questionnaire collects the right information to decide if it is safe to prescribe PrEP without any contact with a healthcare professional, or if healthcare professional input is needed before prescribing.

We ask participants within the study to complete a paper version of the medical questionnaire immediately before their in-clinic PrEP appointment.  We will then compare their responses to the questionnaire with their clinic notes from the appointment to assess the level of agreement between the two. This will help us decide if we need to make any changes to the questionnaire before testing an online version (our second study).

We are grateful to everyone who has taken part so far and to our NHS colleagues who have supported the study.

Find out more about the Scottish ePrEP Clinic on the ePrEP Summary webpage.