Stroke and Neurological Rehabilitation Research Group (SYNERGY)

Stroke is the single most common cause of severe disability in the world.

Other common long term neurological conditions include multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). With an ageing population, the number of people living with these conditions is set to rise. Long term neurological conditions (LTNC) affect individuals and their families in terms of quality of life, mood and independence.

Rehabilitation after stroke and other LTNC can be complex; no two stroke survivors will have the same problems with activities of daily living, societal participation or bodily functions. Consequently, the design, development and conduct of trials to test new therapies can be challenging.

We have expertise in the development and implementation of complex interventions; national surveys, systematic reviews and the design and successful completion of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and cluster randomised trials (CRT).

The focus of our research is primarily on living with stroke and other LTNC beyond the acute medical setting. It comprises an interdisciplinary portfolio of research work streams prioritised by health service users and providers. Our work focuses on the following topics: communication, continence, oral health, physical activity and rehabilitation, outcome assessment, non-pharmacological secondary stroke prevention and self-management. People affected by these conditions and their carers are centrally involved in our work plans and activities.

Contact information

Research group leads

Professor Frederike van Wijck


Professor Lorna Paul


Follow us on Twitter @synergygcu

Our research

Latest news

Telerehabilitation study

New research to look at how people affected by stroke can benefit from telerehabilitation will involve a team of experts including Professor Lisa Kidd

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WHO Rehab Packages

A team of experts from GCU have contributed to the development of the recently launched WHO Rehabilitation Packages for Stroke and Parkinson's Disease

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Remote rehabilitation in Ghana

Hear from healthcare professionals working at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Ghana on how GCU researchers are helping to deliver telerehabilitation services.

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PhD opportunities

Find PhD opportunities at The School of Health and Life Sciences.

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Patient and public involvement

Find out more about patient and public involvement in our research.

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Welcome to the Research Centre for Health (ReaCH) newsletter highlighting the latest research from the School of Health and Life Sciences at GCU.

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We are focused on enhancing the lives of people with long-term health conditions, developing and evaluating public health and lifestyle interventions.

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