The Interprofessional Education (IPE) Framework within the School of Health and Life Sciences is focused upon the interprofessional outcomes as identified by the World Health Organisation (2010) and is similar to those embedded in the health and social care curricula of Canadian and North American Universities.
The IPE model (University of British Columbia Model of Interprofessional Education) enables students to move from an ‘Exposure’ to interprofessional working, through ‘Immersion’ and collaboration in interprofessional teams (in authentic simulated training environments), to ‘Mastery’, characterised by the integration of values, attitudes and skills. Throughout this journey students have opportunities to reflect upon the interprofessional nature of current health and social care delivery and its impact on safe and effective professional practice.
Reflecting the interprofessional nature of working practice, modules are delivered with students from different disciplines including Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Diagnostic Imaging, Oral Health Sciences, Dietetics and, Social Work, offering opportunities to broaden the student experience and explore common aspects of care provision.
Our current modules are:
UG Level 1: Foundations for Interprofessional Practice
The module introduces students to key aspects of interprofessional working. The need for greater integration of health and social care will be explored and the rationale for interprofessional practice defined. This will be linked to policy, and other external, national and global drivers for interprofessional working. Core qualities and attributes of effective interprofessional practice will be addressed - including team working, communication, collaboration, reflective practice and professional attributes and behaviours. This will be underpinned by relevant psychological and sociological theory.
What is/ why interprofessional education
Drivers for interprofessional education /current policy in relation to integration of Health and Social Care practice
Effective interprofessional practice
Barriers to interprofessional practice
Team working/partnership working
Reflective learning and writing
Professional and regulatory bodies and codes of conduct. CPD, PDP, Life-long learning
Respect, values, judgements and ethics
Psychological and sociological perspectives of interprofessional practice
UG Level 2: Working in Interprofessional Teams
This module provides a bridge from the exposure learning in the Foundations for Interprofessional Practice module in Level 1 to the Level 3 practice-based team working module.
The focus of the module will be upon interprofessional team working using the concept of communities as a means for students to explore their team working. Using relevant psychological and sociological theory, the concept of communities will be explored and their impact upon health and well-being. In addition, the module will consider the determinants of health and well-being, along with the application of an asset-based approach to health. Given the community focus of the module, students will have the opportunity to work in interprofessional teams to identify an issue that impacts upon a community and provide a research-based wiki to deliver their results. Students will be encouraged to reflect upon the effective functioning of the team throughout their experience.
The nature of communities,
The psycho-social determinants of health
The impact of communities on those determinants
Asset approach to public health
Effective interprofessional teams
Team roles
Developing interprofessional skills
Developing team activities
Researching an issue as part of a team
Gathering and presenting information in relation to an issue
UG Level 3: Teams in Interprofessional Practice
This module builds on students' previous exposure to interprofessional education at Levels 1 and 2 and seeks to develop their competence of interprofessional teamwork as a means of providing safe and effective interprofessional care. Students will be introduced to the actual experience of interprofessional teamwork in health and social care through the use of authentic simulation assisted scenarios. The simulated scenarios will address real-world professional practice situations where interprofessional teamwork is essential.
Psychological and sociological factors inherent in effective and non-effective teamwork will be considered critically from a theoretical and practical perspective. The module will introduce students to the wider knowledge base of 'human factors' and will facilitate the application of human factors knowledge to their simulated experience as well as prepare them for transferring this knowledge to the real world. Students will have the opportunity to experience scenarios from their own professional perspective as well as that of others.
In doing so, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the different roles, responsibilities and expertise within the interprofessional health and social care team. Critical reflection will be encouraged as a means of improving individual and interprofessional team skills.
The rules of simulation
Roles, responsibilities and expertise within the interprofessional health and social care team
Psychological and sociological factors inherent in effective and non-effective teamwork
Understanding personal and group roles in interprofessional practice
Leadership and followership in interprofessional practice
Human factors - developing a positive safety culture in teams
Human factors - making care and work safer in teams
Communication in teams
Dealing with conflict in teams
Measuring team effectiveness
Giving and receiving effective feedback relating to team performance
Whistleblowing and dealing with poor performance
Global citizenship and interprofessional practice
Decision making in teams
UG Level 4: Leadership in Interprofessional Teams
The module will adopt a blended approach to teaching and learning. A combination of lectures, tutorials, narrated powerpoints, podcasts and student led seminars will be used supported by e-learning materials. An interprofessional approach will be adopted for all activities and students will be expected to use their previous academic and practice experience to underpin and enrich their contribution to the module.
Application of inter-professional team-working within the health and social care context specific to current service quality issues
Theories of learning, personality, motivation and reflection
Quality assurance, organisational and professional governance in health and social care contextualised within regulatory body standards (UK or global)
Professionalism and accountability for inter-professional working with a focus on the consequences of poor quality service, 'whistle blowing', reporting mechanisms and whole systems approach
Organisational theory, including structure and culture, management and leadership styles and strategies, partnership working (service users, carers, patents, families), exploration of power, group dynamics, theories and models of change management, drivers for change and management of risk
Global, national and local government initiatives, legislative and legal frameworks from an inter-professional perspective
Financial planning/budgeting, business/service planning
Postgraduate: Interprofessional Context of Practice
This module deals primarily with the consequences and the social context of chronic illness and disability. It explores the different contexts on clinical reasoning and on service provision. The contexts explored include perspectives of different client groups; the personal perspective of the individual and the informal carer, the subjective perspective of the illness experience, the different cultural environments in which treatment is practiced. The module also explores professional responsibilities including scope of practice and ethical considerations within an interprofessional context.
The content of this module is wide ranging and designed to challenge the students thinking and critical skills. The predominant themes used as a framework to introduce other related material are client centred reasoning, chronic illness and disability, and conceptual models of practice.
Psychological and sociological perspectives of these themes provide the foundation of the module as does consideration of the factors that influence health and wellbeing. Different theoretical models of practice and their application in a range of health and social care environments are discussed in relation to their impact on practice.
The impact of chronic illness and disability on sexuality, loss and bereavement and the Equality Act are also examined. The context of different client groups and their needs, the working of the interprofessional team and different environments in which practice occurs are explored as are aspects of professional practice relating to equality and diversity and ethical practice.
Postgraduate: Working in Organisations: Interprofessional and Critical Perspectives
Working in Organisations: Interprofessional and Critical Perspectives
This module is part of the interprofessional (IPE) suite of modules delivered to pre-qualifying MSc students in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Social Work.
A major thread of our professional lives is that of working within and across organisations and in an increasingly interprofessional context. This is true for all professional disciplines whether in local authority, health, or the third sector. Understanding the nature of public sector organisations and their work is an essential component of effective interprofessional practice alongside that of continuous professional development. In the context of an increasingly complex global public policy agenda, it is even more relevant to understand the systems, policies, politics and power relationships that underpin modern organisational life as well as the multiple professional identities and responsibilities of self and others. From a policy and practice perspective, this is reflected in the drive towards personalisation of services and the move towards integration of health and social care. These processes will impact significantly on organisations delivering health and social care and transform working practices for the professional groups involved. The purpose of this module is, from an interprofessional perspective, to develop a critical understanding of organisations, the contested landscape of interprofessional working and how this impacts on individual and collective practice.
Organisational theory
Policy context and drivers of change
Professional identity in an interprofessional context
Theories of management and leadership
Management and leadership of change
Delivering quality in an interprofessional context
Interprofessional working practice
Professional and personal development