Climate Justice Fund

The poorest and most vulnerable people in society are bearing the biggest burden of climate change, but they are the people least likely to have contributed to the human causes of climate change and are less likely to be able to adapt to its impacts.

GCU’s Centre for Climate Justice is dedicated to achieving meaningful social change, taking a global lead on delivering solutions to improve the wellbeing of society and promote a climate-just world. Initially established through a partnership with the Mary Robinson Foundation, the Centre addresses the overarching objective of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of ‘leaving no one behind’.

Support the Climate Justice Fund
Financial support through the Climate Justice Fund will help to advance the work of the Centre to promote a fair and just transition to net zero. Donations of all size can make a real difference.

All funds raised will support priority projects including:

Alternatively to discuss a specific collaboration or piece of work you would like to fund please email