2024 Travel Survey

As part of the University’s commitment to become carbon neutral by 2040, the University’s Sustainability Team is calling on all staff (and students) to take two minutes to fill in the 2024 Travel Survey.
The Travel Survey is an annual survey carried out by the University’s Sustainability Team which helps us identify opportunities for developing sustainable travel interventions and the data is used to monitor the University’s Carbon Footprint.
By completing this survey before Thursday 31 October 2024, you have a chance to enter a random prize draw worth over £500 in £10, £20 and £50 National Book Tokens split between students and staff, in addition to shaping the travel initiatives the University offers and help cut our collective carbon footprint.
Paulo Cruz, Head of Operational Sustainability said: “We run the survey as we are interested in how students and staff get to our campuses. The University is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2040 and student and staff commutes are a significant source of emissions in our carbon footprint.“
“Our surveys also offer invaluable insights that help us develop sustainable travel interventions. For example, past surveys showed that people frequently overestimate how far they live from campus and how long it would take them to walk or cycle here. We also learned that the cost and journey time are the main factors influencing how people choose to travel. So, we set up the GCU Smart Travel Advisor programme, which helps students and staff to explore the potential for walking or cycling to campus by highlighting that, in many cases, it would save them money and time.”
Complete the survey by following this link. Please email sustainability@gcu.ac.uk if you have any questions about the 2024 Travel Survey.