Celebrating Scotland's Climate Week

The University will be celebrating the annual Scotland’s Climate Week from 23 - 27 September 2024 with multiple sustainability events and activities. All students and staff are invited to take part in the series of events on our Glasgow campus. You can find out more and sign up to the activities below.
Campus BioBlitz
Monday, 23 September – Friday, 27 September
Campus BioBlitz, is a citizen science project in the University’s Biodiversity Plan (published in May 2023) with the aim of helping us to identify and record on-campus species diversity. To participate in the BioBlitz, you need to download the iNaturalist app and join the University’s Biodiversity Project on the app.
You can go on-campus on any of the dates between 23 - 27 September (and as often as you like) and record as many (naturally occurring - not decorative) species you can find.
We'll be hosting an introduction session to BioBlitz to provide you with some further context of our Biodiversity Plan, the basics of BioBlitz and how to use the iNaturalist app for species identification. The introduction sessions to BioBlitz take place on the following dates:
- Monday, 23 September: 12pm - 1pm (No spaces left)
- Wednesday, 25 September: 12pm - 1pm.
To sign up for the introduction sessions, please fill out the BioBlitz form.
Every Tree Tells A Story
Tuesday, 24 September: 12pm - 1pm
Come along for the Every Tree Tells A Story (ETTAS) walk and talk around campus to learn about the history of the Glasgow campus through the stories that trees can tell us. The walk will be followed by a discussion (indoors).
To sign up, please fill out the ETTAS form.
Dr Bike mobile mechanic
Monday, 23 September and Tuesday, 24 September: 11am - 2pm
Dr Bike will be back on campus (main concourse) to carry out minor repairs and check bicycles to make sure all of our cyclists are safe on the road. Bike checks will be carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.
Bike sale and bike security markings
Tuesday, 24 September: 11am - 2pm
Looking for a new bike? Then come along to the bike sale by Include Me 2 Club on the University's main concourse, where you can find yourself a bicycle starting from £45. You can also get your new or existing bike to be security marked by Police Scotland.
If you have any questions about the events, please e-mail sustainability@gcu.ac.uk