Waste and recycling

Waste at GCU is generated from day-to-day operations in Glasgow and London, construction and refurbishment activity at Glasgow, and the University's student residences (Caledonian Court).

In 2022-23 the University produced 726 tonnes of waste. The majority (50%) arose from day-to-day operations at the campus in Glasgow (348 tonnes). 27% was demolition waste from refurbishment projects and 23% from Caledonian Court.

In defining how we manage our waste, the University is very much guided by the waste hierarchy and the principles of the circular economy, as detailed in:

You can also play the Campus Cleanup recycling game that was designed and built by students on the BSc Game Development and BSc 3D Animation and Visualisation programmes to help the University community to learn and test their knowledge on recycling. If you have any questions or suggestions on recycling, please contact us.

The University's approach to waste

Recycling at the University

Guidance on how to and what can be recycled on campus

504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out