Meet David

Social Work
Look at who you could be, not who you were
"Even the toughest experiences in your life can lead you to a happier version of yourself.”
Everyone is here on their own terms
I had a lot of misconceptions about university and the people who would be here and how I would, or wouldn’t fit in. I’m not your typical student type and my life experiences haven’t always made putting myself first easy, but I quickly saw that I’m here on my own terms and so is everyone else. I’m being challenged positively - because my lecturers and professors know I can succeed, and that feels amazing.
I don't care if it's a cliche
A kid from care going into social work? Sounds like something from a movie right? And when I was younger, I never would have imagined myself here. It’s thanks to meeting the right person from GCU at the right time and now here I am. I just saw how much the social work students loved what they were doing, they were so passionate and so dedicated, and I just kept feeling - I want to feel like that, I want to do what they’re doing. I’ve seen first hand how the system is desperately trying but sometimes failing and I want to be a part of what makes it the best it can be.
There are outreach projects everywhere
You don’t have to look far to see how much GCU helps different parts of the local community and the wider world. If there’s something you think needs doing or you have an idea for something; there’s always people and staff around to help. Undergrads, postgrad students, mature students, staff, lecturers; everyone all works together. It’s about more than just an education, it’s about being the best version of yourself in an environment that helps make that happen.
“It’s never too late to make a change in your life, you can get to where you’re meant to be in your own time.”

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