Meet Gavin

PhD Cultural Communities in Glasgow
Education and collective action
"Returning to education has given me the opportunity to fight for the Common Good.”
I've always loved reading
I’ve always had a book in my hand, but school wasn’t easy for me, and I got kicked out a few weeks before my exams. I decided to join the army, but I was still young and had a lot to learn; I wasn’t prepared for the things I would see and do. I saw first-hand how poverty and social injustice was killing people across the world. The decision to leave the army and go back to school and ultimately study for my PhD was rooted in my need to fight the social injustices I and others have experienced.
Revolutions can happen daily
Throughout my life I’ve seen how individual action and collective action can change things. Before my time at GCU studying for my PhD I was a bit of a lone wolf; I did a lot of things on my own. But there’s only so far you can go. Through my tenant community work I see every day how collective action can affect real positive change. When we all fight for the same common good real lasting change can be implemented.
Strength and solidarity
Not everyone gets the same opportunities in life and a lot of us must fight hard for the things that others may take for granted. It’s because of my education now that I feel I’ve got the confidence and knowledge to fight systemic challenges and to organise groups to fight for the good for all, not just the few. My road here hasn’t been a typical one and I’m surrounded by people who’ve also had their own fights and challenges. It’s a unifying environment to be in; to be working with individuals for collective gain.
“Give everyone respect and access to education and social injustices will start to fall.”

Study at GCU
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