Meet Tabitha

Applied Psychology
For people to flourish we all need the same opportunities
“For me, access to education is a basic right for all. Without it, too many young minds won’t reach their potential.”
I always say that GCU picked me
I’ve been lucky in my education in Kenya and had opportunities for study that so many people do not, but when it came to picking a course there weren’t enough students to fill a psychology course. As GCU was a partnership university to my school I was given the opportunity to study halfway around the world. So, I packed my bags and changed my life completely to achieve my goal.
It’s not just a phrase here
People actively do things to give back to their communities. It’s great being surrounded by people with similar mindsets. We all learn and collaborate and share ideas, it’s a really motivating environment to be in. Everywhere from your studies to your social and sports groups you’re encouraged to make your impact as positive as possible for all.
I can thrive here and so can my charity
At GCU you’re supported to be a part of as many communities as you want which is great for me and my work with Kosi Africa in Kenya. Kosi means Go! And it’s a positive reinforcement of our attitudes. We want the young people of Kenya to know yes, they can do hard things, they are capable, they can achieve. We work to keep as many young people in education as possible and that number is growing every day.
“Helping just one person counts. When you help and empower one person, they can then go on to do the same for someone else. The common good can start small and grow wings.”

Study at GCU
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