Gender equality

Examples of the University’s key achievements

  • Glasgow Caledonian has achieved the prestigious Athena Swan Silver Award. Driven by our Advancing Gender Equality Group, GCU is an active member of the Athena Swan Scottish Regional Network. Our academic schools have each achieved Athena Swan Departmental awards too - Silver for SCEBE and Bronze for GSBS and SHLS.
  • Involvement in SmartSTEMS to encourage young women into STEM subjects, Primary Engineer to encourage young people into engineering and Headstart, Inspire for Girls, Inspire for Boys, Engineering Development Trust programmes that include development of soft skills, experience of lab time and academic staff and student sessions.
  • GCU has been a Living Wage Employer for over 10 years. In addition to this, GCU was confirmed as Scotland’s first accredited Living Wage University employer.
  • Annual celebration of International Women's Day with events and activities involving students and staff from across all our campuses

Watch our short films from a few of the talented female graduates who studied at Glasgow Caledonian University:

Karin Helwig, Environmental Researcher

Watch our short film from one of the talented female graduates of Glasgow Caledonian.

Celebrating International Women's Day

We support International Women's day every year as part of our commitment to gender equality.

Learn more

Athena Swan at GCU

Glasgow Caledonian was recognised by HE's Athena Swan for our commitment to gender equality.

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