Financial accounting

The financial year-end of the University and its subsidiary companies is 31 July.

The team is responsible for:

Annual financial statements

The preparation of the University’s annual financial statements which are available in a PDF format online. They are also responsible for liaising with the external auditors.

Guidance and forms have been prepared to notify budget holders of the overall timetable and to assist them in their part in the preparation of the financial statements.

If, after consulting the guidance, you still have year-end-related questions or need assistance completing the forms, please contact the Financial Controller or Financial and Accounting Manager, details here.

External data returns

The timely completion, to the highest level of accuracy of the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) Strategic Plans, SFC Annual Returns, HESA FSR and OSCR Returns.

Related information

All of the following are available to University staff:

Policies and guidelines
