
This section contains information on the University’s compliance with the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015) commonly known as the 'Prevent duty'.


The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a responsibility on higher education institutions to ‘have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism’.

Within universities, the term ‘Prevent’ refers to measures taken to safeguard members of the university community who might be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.

The nature of the statutory duty is explained in the Statutory Guidance issued to accompany that Act.  Additionally, there is a Good Practice Guide for Scottish Higher Education Institutions.

A Prevent e-learning training package is available and this provides a foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the roles involved in supporting those at risk.

The University Executive lead for Prevent is Ms Jan Hulme, University Secretary and Vice Principal Governance

Policies and procedures

Speakers and events

The University has introduced a protocol for managing speakers and events.

Information Systems Policy

The Information Systems Policy has been amended to highlight the University’s obligations under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015).

Raising concerns

If you have concerns that a member of the University community might be at risk of being drawn into terrorism, you should discuss this with your Head of Department/Service in the first instance.  Advice and guidance is also available from Jackie Main, Director of Student Life or David Halliday, Head of Security, Resilience and Development.

Further information

University Prevent Steering Group

The primary function of the University Prevent Steering Group is to ensure that the University fulfils its statutory duty under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 and to assume operational responsibility in this area. Find out more information on its terms of reference and composition.

The University’s 'Prevent duty' – a briefing for all staff

The University's 'Prevent duty' - a briefing for all staff information leaflet provides guidance relevant to all staff and includes links to further information and resources about Prevent and the issues it is designed to address. A hard copy is available for staff with limited computer access.