Senate composition

Session 2023/2024

Members ex-officiis (22)

  • Principal and Vice-Chancellor (Chair)
  • Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Vice-Chair)
  • Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • PVC Education
  • PVC Research
  • PVC International
  • Vice Principal Governance
  • Vice Principal People and Student Well-being
  • Vice Principal Strategy & Planning
  • Deans of School (3)
  • Heads of Department (9) - 3 from each school elected by SMG

Elected members (20)

  • Glasgow School for Business and Society (5)
  • School of Health and Life Sciences (7)
  • School of Engineering and Built Environment (6)
  • GCU London (1)
  • One member elected by academic staff not in Schools (1)

Elected student members (6)

Six students elected by the Students’ Association, to include the President of the Students’ Association, and elected students who the Association considers represent the interests of all students.

Non-voting advisers

  • Director of Student Life
  • Director of Library Services
  • Director of Research and Innovation
  • Director of GCU London
  • University Secretary
  • Academic Registrar
  • Chair of the Senate Disciplinary Committee
  • Dean of Enterprise and Innovation