Research Degrees Committee

Remit and Terms of Reference

The remit of the Research Degrees Committee is to oversee the development, review and implementation of strategies & policies relating to the University’s research programmes provision and to promote and oversee the quality of the student experience within the research programmes.

Terms of Reference:

  1. To promote and oversee the quality of the student experience within the research programmes
  2. To promote a quality experience and outcome for all research students. regardless of their mode of study, geographical location and research discipline
  3. To encourage and promote the development of a postgraduate research degree student culture and community.
  4. To oversee the development, review and implementation of strategies & policies relating to the University's research programmes provision
  5. To ensure appropriate breadth and depth of generic research training which articulates with discipline specific research training
  6. To develop and review systems and processes for the delivery of the University’s research programmes, including the areas of:
    • Selection, admission and induction of research students
    • Supervision
    • Progress and review arrangements
    • Evaluation mechanisms
    • Examinations
  7. To oversee and approve the development of new research programmes.
  8. To ensure the adherence to the University’s Regulations for Research Degrees for the appointment of examiners and conduct of examinations;
  9. To provide annual reports on the performance of PGR students, the researcher development provision, developments and enhancements to research programmes, evaluation of quality assurance, and any other reports on the research degree provision that may be requested by the University Research Committee or other areas as appropriate. Research programmes include MPhil, MRes, PhD by thesis, PhD by Previous Published Works, Professional Doctorates (eg. Prof Ds, EngD, DBA, DMan).

RDC Composition and Membership

RDC Minutes

Research Degrees  Appeals  Form

Research Degrees  Appeals -  Information Sheet  for Students