Any member of staff or student discovering a fire should set off the alarm at the nearest fire alarm call point and immediately call security on ext 2222 or 0141 273 1999 if using a landline or mobile phone, giving details of the location of the fire and, where possible, the floor and room numbers.
When the alarm sounds; staff and students should evacuate the building immediately along the nearest fire escape route without stopping to take equipment or possessions. Lifts must not be used. Fire alarm systems are specific to their own building/buildings and will not activate in unison for all buildings on campus. Evacuation of other buildings will be authorised by the Fire Convenor and the Fire and Rescue Service if necessary.
All occupants should proceed to the designated Fire Assembly Point. These are indicated on Fire Action Notices throughout the building.
Do not re-enter the building until advised to do so by the Fire Convenor.
For further information on Fire Safety, please see the links below or contact the University Fire Safety Officer on 0141 331 3906.
Fire Warden training
Fire Warden refresher training
Strategy for fire safety management
Fire assembly points
PEEPs should be collated by the line manager and staff member for any members of staff requiring a PEEP. The Disability Team ( will assist the School in the PEEP process for any students requiring a PEEP.
If any aspects of the University facilities are affecting the evacuation process or the individual (such as access to part of a building) then please email the Facilities helpdesk via for any advice.
PEEP's Guidance Document
The University considers business continuity planning crucial in ensuring that the University reacts appropriately and returns to normal service in the quickest time possible following an incident.
Business continuity plans are in place for the University and are tested regularly to ensure that departments are prepared following any potential incidents.
Further information can be found on the Facilities Management website or e-mail
If you think someone needs first aid, please call ext 2222 for assistance.
First Aiders carry out an important role in providing the initial management of an injury or ill-health that can help to save lives and prevent minor injuries from becoming major ones.
The University provides a network of first aiders on campus that are trained to help someone who is injured or ill, until they can get more advanced medical treatment by seeing a doctor, health professional or be taken to hospital. All University First Aiders are also trained in defibrillation.
If a member of staff would like to be a First Aider, they must be willing to be on the University First Aid Rota for one year. In the first instance, please contact your Head of Department to authorise time off to attend a first aid course and to go onto the first aid rota. Once this has been authorised, please email your name, School/Department or Directorate/Department details to
Please note, if you already have a First Aid at Work Certificate, please attach a copy to the email request.
Further information on courses available for First Aiders can be found in the Training section.
Please refer to the Guidance for First Aid Staff for more details about the role.