The Asbestos Policy can be found on the Facilities Management Health and Safety SharePoint page. (GCU intranet link)
Where Schools and Departments instruct a contractor to carry out work on their behalf, the person with responsibility for this must inform Estates by emailing with full details of the work being undertaken. This will enable a co-ordinated approach to be taken in relation to the management of contractors on campus.
The Contractors Safety Code of Practice can be found in the Facilities Management Health and Safety SharePoint page. (GCU intranet link)
The Facilities Management Department manage the annual Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) within the University. The term is used to describe the examination of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use.
If you purchase new equipment, it should be in a safe condition and will not require a formal portable appliance test. Where relevant, the equipment/appliance will be tested when the next annual round of portable appliance tests take place. However, a basic visual check by the department is recommended to make sure the item is not damaged.
If the appliance is more than a year old, then inform Estates by emailing with a description of the appliance/equipment, its location and a contact name within the School/Department.
The Water Quality Policy can be found in the Facilities Management Health and Safety SharePoint page. (GCU intranet link)