School Deans, Directors, Heads of Professional Support Departments and Managers have a responsibility for the management of health and safety within their area or responsibility and control. Please refer to sections 4.6 and 4.7 of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy for full details of the responsibilities.
For details of the roles and responsibilities of the University Court; Principal and Vice-Chancellor; Executive Board and Executive Members, please refer to sections 4.1 and 4.3
Schools and departments have designated health and safety co-ordinators/champions to assist senior management with their health and safety responsibilities. The number of designated co-ordinators/champions will vary depending on its size and level of risk. For example, for a school it would be more appropriate to have an overarching health and safety co-ordinator/champion for the school and one for each department, whereas for a department a single co-ordinator/champion may be more appropriate.
In addition to these voluntary roles, the School Professional Services (SPS) Health and Safety Advisor, as a member of the Technical Services Team, works with the Head of Technical Services and Technical managers to provide health and safety advice with respect to all activities carried out within the service, including through the facilitation of training, workshops and audits. In addition, the role provides advice and support to the Schools and works in conjunction with the School Health and Safety Co-ordinators/Champions.
Further information on relevant health and safety courses available in the University can be found in the training matrix located in the Training section.
Example Health and Safety Co-ordinator/Champion Role
List of School and Departmental Health and Safety Co-ordinators/Champions
Please refer to the Fire Safety section for further information on the role of the Fire Warden (in development)
Please refer to the First Aid section for further information on the role of the First Aider.
Schools must appoint a Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) to secure compliance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99) in respect of work carried out in an area which is subject to Local Rules.
Appointed Radiation Protection Supervisors are responsible for advising the School Dean (through the School’s Health and Safety Committee or otherwise) of current requirements, practices or required modifications related to the implementation of the Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR99) and supervise the arrangements set out in the Local Rules.
An RPS must be formally appointed in writing by the School Dean.
Example RPS Appointment Letter
An appointed RPS must complete an accredited and validated RPS training course – further information can be found in the Radiation section