For Practitioners - Myopia Management Clinic

Refer your progressing myopes and children of myopic parents

The purpose of the myopia clinic is to offer evidence-based treatment that delays the onset or reduces the progression of myopia to suitable patients.

Which patients are suitable?

Treatments aim to interfere with the emmetropisation mechanism. Therefore, the following inclusion criteria apply:

  • Progressing myopes (-0.25DS or more in the last 2 years)
  • Refractive error: MSE (sph + 0.5*cyl): +0.50 DS to -10.00 DS, no limit on DC
  • Emmetropes who are ‘at risk’ of becoming myopic due to a family history of myopia (one or two myopic parents) and/or high nearwork (>3hrs/day) and low outdoor (<14hrs/week) activity level.
  • Age: normally <16 years

What can the patient expect?

In order to assess and monitor the efficacy of any treatment, all patients will undergo an extensive initial baseline assessment, usually spread over two visits. This includes:

  • Axial length and retinal shape measurements using non-contact laser interferometry
  • Cycloplegic axial and peripheral autorefraction
  • Corneal topography and choroidal thickness measurements
  • Lifestyle questionnaire (including near work and outdoor activity information)
  • Discussion of the findings and personal risk factors

Depending on the rate of progression axial length measurements will be repeated at 3-12 month intervals. If axial length elongation is confirmed, treatment may be offered.

What are the treatment options?

Currently, this includes Ortho-K, multifocal and dual-focus contact lenses and specialised glasses. In the future there may be options for spectacle and drug treatments. Patients who undergo treatment will be reviewed every 6-12 months to establish the efficacy of the chosen treatment modality. Patients whose Rx is stable may be invited to return for monitoring of their axial length and retinal shape.
Presently, there is no credible evidence that the amount of myopia that a person already has can be reduced or  reversed.

How much does it cost?

Attending the teaching clinic for advice and monitoring is free of charge. Patients will be charged for any contact lenses or spectacles we supply.

What happens if a suitable patient chooses to have treatment?

When the chosen treatment modality is well established the patient will return to the referring practitioner for any eyecare, replacement lenses or spectacles they require. We will continue to monitor the ocular biometry of patients undergoing treatment.

How do I refer a patient?

Patients can be referred directly to the Myopia Management Clinic using the following steps:

  1. Download and complete the Myopia Management Clinic Referral Form‌.
  2. Email the completed form and any other relevant information to

More information?

For more information you can contact us by emailing