Glasgow Caledonian Strategy 2030

Three students standing together
Our mission

University for the Common Good

University for the Common Good


To transform lives through excellent education and research that is accessible and impactful for the people of Glasgow and our communities locally, nationally and internationally.


Confidence, Creativity, Integrity, Responsibility

Transforming lives through excellent education and research.

Common Good

Glasgow Caledonian is a university with great ambitions, that delivers transformational education and research that is focused on the future needs of industry and society.
Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE, Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University
Foreword from our


Foreword from our Principal

Glasgow Caledonian University is a distinctive, high-quality academic institution that is relevant and has meaningful impact. It is the greatest privilege of my career to be Principal and Vice-Chancellor at a such a pivotal time in our history, and to be working with such fantastic people in securing a bright future for this important University.

This strategy has been co-created with students, staff and stakeholders, including our governing body, the University Court. Together, we have built a shared vision to transform lives through our education and research.

We are a values-led and multi-cultural University community with a deep-rooted mission to promote the Common Good which dates back 150 years to our founding institutions. Building on a long tradition of civic engagement, we believe that it is through collaboration and partnership that we can maximise our contribution and impact. Reaching out from our campuses in Glasgow and London, our identity has been shaped by the communities we serve through our education and research, and the lives we transform.

A distinctive focus on access, excellence and impact is woven through our strategy:

Accessibility – both academic and physical – is at the very heart of Glasgow Caledonian; we are open and inclusive, and will remain so.

Our University strives for excellence in terms of quality; in the people we produce, the education and research work that we do, the reputation we secure and the way we do business.

We deliver impact and social benefit in many ways – for the students we welcome through our doors, the communities we engage with and serve, the national workforce we are training, the ways in which our research makes meaningful difference, and for our partners.

This strategy is for our students, staff, alumni, stakeholders and partners: by building on our heritage, reputation and passion as an open-minded, open doors institution, it sets out our ambition and confidence in our future.

We are proud to be Glasgow Caledonian.

Student standing in front of bridge



We will deliver high-quality undergraduate, postgraduate and apprenticeship degree programmes with positive student and graduate outcomes, ensuring our education transforms our students’ lives.

Our University will be accessible to students from the widest diversity of backgrounds and our approach to access with excellence will encompass the full learner journey and beyond.

Caring and belonging will be central to our student experience, and the commitment of our staff and our holistic support for learning and wellbeing will facilitate the success of our students.


We will put graduate employability at the heart of our education, equipping our students with the skills, digital capabilities and confidence to access graduate job opportunities.

Our academic portfolio will be relevant to the needs of students and employers, delivering in key areas including health and social care, business, society and STEM disciplines.

We will ensure that our mission, as the University for the Common Good, and our values of confidence, creativity, integrity and responsibility, are exemplified in our programmes and curricula.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help Glasgow Caledonian has given me.
Ryan Miller, Multimedia Journalism student


As a community of students and staff, we will work in partnership with the Students’ Association so that the student voice contributes to shaping our student experience and educational agendas.

We will collaborate with public sector organisations to produce and upskill the workforce, including making a significant contribution to the health and social care sectors.

We will work locally, nationally and internationally to ensure that our education is accessible, excellent and impactful for civic, community and employer partners.

If you needed extra support or extra guidance, it was offered right there.
Chloe Lee, LLB student
Student in laboratory



We will deliver high-quality research that is relevant and impactful in addressing key societal challenges in local, national and global contexts.

We will enhance our research culture and environment to foster innovation and support and develop a thriving research community of staff and students.

We will build critical mass around focused areas of interdisciplinary excellence that enhances our reputation and facilitates research collaboration and strategic partnerships to maximise the impact of our research.


We will grow our research income based on excellence, positioning our University at the forefront of funding opportunities and ensuring our research is financially sustainable.

We will produce impactful research that addresses public health challenges and social inequalities, locally, nationally and internationally.

We will ensure that our research contributes to local and national enterprise, innovation and regeneration strategies.

We will ensure that our research is accessible, excellent and impactful for civic, community and employer partners.

There is real emphasis on engagement with our wider stakeholders.
Dr Andrew McAuley, Professor in Public Health


The collaborative research environment at Glasgow Caledonian supports my commitment to producing excellent research to improve the health of our communities.
Dr Jenny Crowe, Early Career Researcher



Supported by our mission for the Common Good and the commitment of our university community, we will strengthen our civic, community and employer engagement through our education and research and will build partnerships aligned with our focus on access, excellence and impact.

We will enhance our contribution to society, communities and employers through education and research collaborations with a wide range of local, national and international partners.

As an anchor institution in our city and region, we will grow the social and economic impact of our education and research in Glasgow and Scotland, addressing inequalities, meeting skills needs, delivering excellence in apprenticeships, and linking widening access into graduate employment.


By working in partnership, we will support Scotland’s health and social care system, producing a highly-skilled workforce through our graduates and delivering benefits through our impactful research.

We will develop a culture of entrepreneurialism, enterprise and innovation amongst students and staff, embedding a focus on interactive learning and co-creation, and applying our education and research through knowledge exchange, policy development, social innovation, consultancy and commercialisation.

We will work closely with our vibrant alumni community to support.

The University plays a valuable role in Glasgow’s economy and in Scotland.
Jane Martin, Managing Director of Innovation and Investment, Scottish Enterprise



With graduate employability at the heart of our student experience, our education will meet the needs of employers and enable our students to become work ready graduates.

We will focus on alignment of our academic portfolio and apprenticeship programmes with emerging skills needs, upskilling and employment opportunities, and will be guided by professional bodies and Scottish Government workforce planning.


Working with employers and industry, we will enhance the range of advisory boards across our academic departments, harnessing the expertise and experience of partners to inform our curricula and support cross-sectoral approaches to employability.

We will embed opportunities for placement and employer engagement as a key feature of our academic offering.

We will be at the forefront of training of the healthcare workforce, collaborating with partners.

The University is a leader in social innovation, community engagement, and social justice.
Dr Stephen Breslin FRSE, Chief Executive Officer, Glasgow Science Centre

Measuring success

Measuring success

Key Performance IndicatorAmbition2030 Target
KPI 1 Widening accessTo welcome a high proportion of our Scottish undergraduate entrants from widening access backgrounds30% SIMD20
KPI 2 Scottish student populationTo achieve our SFC undergraduate student places targets within set parametersAchievement of SFC targets
KPI 3 Student retentionTo support our students and maintain high retention rates92%
KPI 4 Student experienceTo deliver excellence in teaching, increasing student satisfaction in the National Student Survey88%
KPI 5 Graduate employmentTo increase the proportion of our graduates in employment who are in highly skilled occupations85%
KPI 6 Education incomeTo deliver income from our non-SFC educational activities£50M
KPI 7 Research incomeTo grow research income based on excellence£12M
KPI 8 PeopleTo increase staff engagement across our University75% staff engagement score (staff survey)
KPI 9 EnvironmentTo achieve carbon neutrality by 2040 with key milestones to 2030Scope 1: -22%
Scope 2: -98%
KPI 10 Financial sustainabilityTo generate a surplus based on EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) for strategic investment5%

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We will promote equality, celebrate diversity and embed a University culture focussed on belonging.

We will be an inclusive place to study, which attracts a diverse student population and seeks to close gaps in participation, awards and outcomes for our students including those from widening access backgrounds and with protected characteristics.

We will be an inclusive place to work, which recruits, retains and rewards a diverse profile of academic and professional services staff.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We will create inclusive spaces on our campuses to further enhance our support for student and staff wellbeing.

We will engage with our partners to address health and social inequalities through our education and research.

Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of everything we do at Glasgow Caledonian.
Adrian Lui, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion



We will support our international student community, enhancing student and graduate outcomes and ensuring that caring and belonging are central to our student experience.

Our commitment to having a vibrant international student population studying at our Glasgow and London campuses continues, and we will seek to diversify our international student recruitment in areas aligned with national and international skills needs.


We will provide an international education for our students through our globally-informed curricula and international mobility and exchange opportunities.

We will draw on our international experience to form sustainable and values-led international partnerships that benefit our students and staff and ensure that our education and research is accessible, excellent and impactful globally.

Glasgow Caledonian plays a vitally important role in connecting the talent of Glasgow and of communities all around the world.
Dr Stuart Patrick CBE, Chief Executive, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce
Student standing on a bridge

A destination of choice for students

A destination of choice for students

We will ensure that our student experience and campuses are attractive to students from Scotland and the rest of the UK, and across the world, with a particular focus on widening access to higher education through an inclusive approach to student recruitment.

We will increase demand for our programmes, with a focus on excellence across academic disciplines and positive impact on student success and graduate outcomes.

A destination of choice for students

We will diversify our student populations in Glasgow and London, aiming to grow undergraduate, postgraduate and apprenticeship student populations in areas aligned with skills needs.

Our partnerships with schools, colleges, universities and employers will enable opportunities for learners and provide flexible pathways for students to enter our University.

At Glasgow Caledonian it’s more than just the course you’re studying.
Heather Andrews, Podiatry student



Our commitment to sustainability will be demonstrated through our education and research, ensuring that we contribute to tackling societal challenges including climate change.

We will embed education for sustainable development to equip our students with the skills to create a better future for our planet.

Sustainability will be central to our campuses, operations and ways of working, so that we reduce the carbon emissions of our fuel and energy use to zero and carbon emissions related to our value chain to net zero by 2040.


At Glasgow Caledonian, we aim to embed sustainability into everything we do, from learning, teaching and research to associated support services and the way we manage the campus.
Paulo Cruz, Head of Operational Sustainability

A great place to work

A great place to work

We will invest in our people and ensure that staff wellbeing is a priority.

We will advance the continuous professional development of our staff to support delivery of education and research that is accessible, excellent and impactful.

Our commitment to engagement, communication and close working with our staff and campus trade unions will enable staff to contribute to the development of our strategy and decision making.

We will enhance team working, reduce complexity and administration, and ensure that we work together across our University collegially, collaboratively and effectively.

A great place to work

I am continually impressed by the values-based commitment of staff and students to the Common Good.
David Halliday, Head of Security and Resilience, and Staff Governor

Digital, estate and infrastructure

Digital, estate and infrastructure

We will embed a digitally enabled student experience across our University, equipping our students with digital skills in artificial intelligence, technology, data and analytics.

We will invest in our estate and infrastructure in Glasgow and London to support our ambitions to be a great place to study and work and to ensure safe, inclusive and resilient campuses.

Our students will benefit from our provision of excellent learning resources, and we will offer study, social and sporting spaces which enhance the student experience.

Digital, estate and infrastructure

We will develop our teaching and research spaces to facilitate multidisciplinary working and promote digital effectiveness to support new ways of working as an organisation.

Through digital outreach and an open and accessible campus, we will reimagine how our University is porous within our place, enhancing our education and research and delivering social impact.

We’ve got some of the best equipment in Scotland.
Mackenzie Smith, Cyber Security student



Our reputation will develop and strengthen around our mission for the Common Good and our vision to transform lives through education and research which is accessible, excellent and impactful.

We will ensure that civic, community and employer organisations see us as a key partner in the delivery of shared priorities.

We will build our national and international reputation amongst academic communities, supporting our academics to raise their profile and ensuring recognition of our education and research strengths and impact.

Our reputation as a great place to work and destination of choice for students will support our future growth and success.


I am pleased by the accolades that Glasgow Caledonian has earned as it has become the leading modern university in Scotland with outstanding outcomes for our students.
Meg Lustman, Vice-Chair of Court

Finance, governance and compliance

Finance, governance and compliance

We will ensure our University has effective corporate and academic governance through our Court and Senate, promoting engagement, transparency, accountability and responsibility.

We will be a strong and agile organisation which is efficient and effective, financially sustainable, identifies and manages risks, and satisfies regulatory and statutory obligations.

The implementation and communication of our strategy and plans will be a key institutional focus, and we will set measures of success and monitor our progress and performance.

Finance, governance and compliance

We will develop plans to grow and diversify our income and to manage our expenditure to enable long-term strategic investments in support of the delivery of our ambitions and our financial sustainability.

We will commit to sustainable and ethical working and investment in line with our values, as a multi-cultural University with a strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and the Common Good.