RDC Composition and Membership


ConvenorPVC Research Nominee
Director of Graduate School  Ex Officio
Associate Deans of Research*Ex Officio
Chairs of School PGR PABsEx Officio
Director of Prof D FrameworkEx Officio
Director of MRes FrameworkEx Officio

Research Tutors (4*) Representative from Departmental PG - nominated by Deans

Student President or nominee
School PGR Student Reps selected by GCU Students' Association

Non-Voting Advisors

Deputy Director of Graduate School
Head of Programmes and Planning School of Professional Services
Strategy, Planning and BI representative
Governance and Legal Services representative

*only one representative from GCU London. The same person will be undertaking both roles.
Clerk from Department of Quality  Assurance and Enhancement


Dr Lyle Gray (Chair)

Professor Bonnie Steves

Professor Ole Pahl

Professor John Harris

Professor Sharron Dolan

Dr Claire MacRae

Dr Ben Stansfield

Dr Bipasha Ahmed

Dr Agnieszka Klemm

Dr Suzanne Hagan

Dr Julie Roberts

Dr Keith Halcro

Dr Margaret-Anne Houston

PGR Student Representatives


Non Voting Advisors

Dr Amy Cartwright (Graduate School)

Mr David Moore (SPS)

Mary Daly (Strategy, Planning and BI)

Paul Woods (Governance and Legal Services)

Committee Secretary

Diane Dickie (Senior Registry Officer - RPG)

Committee Clerk

Amanda Brawley (QA&E)