Procedures and arrangements

The following procedures and arrangements form part of the University’s Health and Safety Management system (HSG65) and should be considered in relation to the University’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy Statement and the supporting Roles, Responsibilities and Arrangements document.

‌We are currently developing additional procedures and information, so please get in touch via if what you are looking for isn't available.

Accident/near miss reporting

All accidents and near misses must be recorded and sent to the People Services Department as soon as possible.

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Hazardous substances and biological agents

Details of regulations, procedures and legislation.

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Information on occupational health, wellbeing and contagious and infectious diseases.

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Management of estates and contractors

Information concerning asbestos, contractors, electricity and legionella.

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Information concerning manual handling and working with display screen equipment within the University.

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Personal protective equipment

PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work.

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Placements, fieldwork and work experience

Details of GCU's student placement procedure and relevant templates.

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Plant and equipment

Health and safety information on work equipment, noise at work, vibration, work at height and electrical safety.

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Risk assessments

Details of the University's risk assessment procedures.

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Work environment/general

Estates and Facilities acknowledge the importance of providing a comfortable working environment within the university campus.

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Managing remote working

Guidance document providing information on assessing the risks to staff who work remotely

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Children on campus

The Children on Campus Policy will ensure there are consistent, fair and effective procedures to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our University community when children visit our campus.

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