Genetic modification

Approval of project work

Any project that requires genetic modification as part of the teaching and/or research must be approved by the GCU Genetic Modification Steering Committee (GMSC). The form relevant to your project should be downloaded, completed and emailed to the Chair of the GMSC, Professor Linda Scobie at

There will be a five working day turnaround on approval, followed by a confirmatory email to advise of approval and class of work. Please note that forms that are incorrectly completed will be returned. Further information can be found in the GMSC process document.

Once the relevant forms have been completed, please send all documentation to the GM mailbox

If you do not currently have any research project involving genetic modification then you must complete a new application and send it as above.

The form you require depends on what is being modified.  Further details can be found in the Genetic modification guidance document.

Risk Assessment Form G2 For cloning and/or expression of recombinant DNA in bacteria other than the standard laboratory strains of E. coli.
Risk Assessment Form G3 For any cloning procedure including that required for sequencing analysis. This is for standard laboratory strains of E.coli derivatives using standard non-mobilisable vectors.
Risk Assessment Form G4 Plant GMO
Risk Assessment Form G5 Virus GMO

You may find it easier to access these documents using a browser such as Google Chrome

If you already have a project held by the GMSC, then please complete the Genetic modification amendment form‌ if small changes such as a change of staff, the addition of a single vector or gene are required. This will be assessed by the GMSC and confirmed that it is sufficient and a new GMRA is not needed.

If you are unsure how to class your organism, please refer to the SACGM Compendium of Guidance - Part one. If your organism requires Class two then please contact Professor Linda Scobie for advice on how to proceed.

Documents for the Microcontainment Suite, with regards to operation within and procedure for access, can be found in the Resource Links section below