New and Expectant Mothers

The following provides information on the additional hazards associated with work activities that may be relevant to new and expectant mothers within the University and the risk assessment process.

Further information can be found in the New and Expectant Mothers Procedure and the list of possible hazards.

Breast Feeding Mothers

The University recognises the health benefits to a mother and baby of breastfeeding and provides support to mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding when they return to work.

The University has a maternity/pregnancy/quiet room facility available to staff and students. It is located on the ground floor of the George Moore Building, to the rear of the refurbished refectory. It is accessible by staff/student card which is required to be programmed by security to allow access to the room.

PAM Assist – Employee Assistance Programme (Staff)

The University, in association with PAM Assist, our occupational health service, provides all staff with access to the Glasgow Caledonian University Employee Assistance Programme.

PAM Assist is a free, confidential telephone and web-based information and advice service on a wide range of issues, including becoming a parent.  In addition, access to PAM Assist provides information in tip sheets, downloads of materials etc.

PAM Assist is accessible via a free-phone number 0800 882 4102 (available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) or via the internet at (Login: GCU, Password: EAP).

Resource Links

Information on Maternity leave for staff can be found on the staff intranet .

HSE webpage for new and expectant mothers can be found here  

Infection risks to new and expectant mothers in the workplace.

La Leche League

The National Childbirth Trust (NCT)

Association of Breastfeeding Mothers

UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative