University Court

The University Court is the University’s governing body. Court is responsible for approving the University’s overall strategic direction and exercising general oversight of the University’s performance and development. Court delegates the management of the University to the Principal and Vice-Chancellor.

The powers and governance framework of Glasgow Caledonian University are prescribed in a Statutory Instrument, the Glasgow Caledonian University Order of Council 2010 as updated by the GCU Amendment Order of Council 2020, legal documents made by the Privy Council and approved by the Scottish Parliament.

The University Court is the University’s governing body and has key responsibilities in relation to the University’s overall strategic direction and for ensuring that the University’s business is conducted in accordance with the Statutory Instrument.

Court has five ordinary meetings a year. Its membership comprises of:

  • Lay members drawn from business, industry and the professions who retain an overall majority
  • Ex officio members being the Principal and the President of the Students' Association
  • Two elected members, one from amongst academic staff and one from amongst professional and support staff
  • One member appointed by the University Senate
  • Two nominated trade union members, one from an academic trade union and one from a professional and support staff trade union
  • One further student member

Glasgow Caledonian University is a charity registered with the Office for Scottish Charities (OSCR) and the role of Court governor includes that of charity trustee.

GCU Glasgow campus

Chair of Court vacancy

Rob Woodward completes his term as Chair of Court in Feb 2025 and we are seeking a successor. Details of the role and how to apply are now available.

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SI and Articles of Governance

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Membership of Court

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Standing Committees of Court

Details of GCU's Standing Committees of Court.

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Meetings and Key Events

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Stakeholder Event

Annual Showcase of Glasgow Caledonian University

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Court Summary Report

‌Read the summary reports from meetings of the University Court.

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Register of Interests

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