More city students set for university thanks to GCU Advanced Highers initiative

Pupils at Glasgow Caledonian University's (GCU) Advanced Higher Hub achieved an outstanding pass rate of 88% in this year’s SQA examination diet − with four subjects achieving 100% pass rates.

Business Management, English, History and Physics all achieved the maximum.

The widening access initiative celebrates the fourth year of its partnership with Glasgow City Council (GCC) and The Scottish Funding Council (SFC).

GCU’s Advanced Higher Hub is a flagship initiative that provides young people with access to Advanced Highers in order to support their future university studies, including high-demand undergraduate courses that require Advanced Highers for entry, such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine.

This bridging programme gives pupils from Glasgow schools the opportunity to study Advanced Highers on GCU’s city-centre campus, providing greater access of opportunity to subjects that are not always available in school. This unique year-long university immersion experience also equips young people with the life and learning skills that will help them to transition successfully to university and, crucially, retain their place once there.

To date, the Hub has recorded outstanding pass rates of 90% in 2015 and 91% in 2016. These figures compare with the national average pass rate for the then seven Advanced Highers offered at the Hub of 78% in 2015 and 81% in 2016.

GCU is the first university in Scotland to employ teachers to deliver eight Advanced Highers in Biology; Business Management; Chemistry; English; History; Mathematics; Modern Studies and Physics.

This year, 2016/2017, 105 pupils from 28 GCC partner schools sat 145 SQA exam presentations at Advanced Higher level.

GCU Principal and Vice-Chancellor Professor Pamela Gillies CBE FRSE said: “I am, once again, delighted with these outstanding results. GCU is delivering on our mission as the University for the Common Good by expanding educational opportunities in partnership with Glasgow City Council and the Scottish Funding Council. The success of the Hub shows that partnership working can deliver in widening access for young people.” 

Eleanor Wilson MBE, Head of Outreach at GCU, said: “The results are a credit to the hard work of our pupils and teaching staff. Beyond results, pupils are given the unique chance to experience a year at university before successfully making the transition to Higher Education.”

Councillor Ricky Bell, Depute City Convener for Education, Skills & Early Years said: “Glasgow’s young people have once again raised the bar with the best ever exam results recorded across the city today.  I’m delighted to be able to join the pupils at the Hub − a great partnership between Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Caledonian University and the Scottish Funding Council that is clearly reaping great rewards for the young people who study here. Congratulations to all pupils and staff who have achieved so much.”

John Kemp, interim chief executive of the Scottish Funding Council, said: “I’m delighted to see the Advanced Higher Hub continue its outstanding pass rates. In helping pupils to study the subjects needed to thrive at university, the Hub is an excellent example of working together to widen access to education.”