GCU top modern Scottish university for graduate employment

Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) has been ranked top modern university in Scotland for graduates who are in work or further study three years after completing their studies.

The findings have been published in the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) longitudinal report.

The report provides insights into the careers of graduates three years after they left higher education. The UK-wide survey was carried out in winter 2016/17 by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), who contacted a sample of graduates who left university in 2012/13. The same cohort had previously been surveyed six months after graduation.

The findings show GCU is the top Scottish modern university, and third in Scotland overall, for all leavers who are in employment, be that full-time, part-time or unpaid, with a total of 85.2%.

When those who are in employment or further study are considered, GCU is the top Scottish modern university and is placed sixth in Scotland at 94.7%.

When the same is applied to first-degree leavers only, GCU is the top Scottish modern university with a combined total of 95.1%, and placed seventh in Scotland. 

The results reflect the University’s industry-informed curriculum and strong links with employers in the private, public and third sectors. A significant proportion of GCU’s undergraduate programmes offer work placements and the University has developed unique exchange and volunteering opportunities at home and overseas.

The results from the survey will be analysed and used by the University to better support students and graduates. The information is also useful to advise current and prospective students about the employment and study opportunities that might be available to them after leaving GCU.