Successful collaboration leads to birth of new University in Oman

The creation of a new National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Oman has been described as 'truly exciting' by Glasgow Caledonian University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Pamela Gillies CBE FRSE.

The Principal, accompanied by the University's Chair of Court Rob Woodward and Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor James Miller, attended the inauguration of the new institution in Muscat earlier this week.

Professor Gillies told the assembled audience of academics, dignitaries and guests: "It is truly exciting to welcome the new National University of Science and Technology to this august nation of Oman. Born from the coalition of the Caledonian College of Engineering and the Oman Medical College, this new University is built on foundations of excellence and recognises the value of partnership working both at home and internationally. Our longstanding trusted collaboration demonstrates how we can continue to work together across the divides of culture and heritage to learn from each other and deliver a first class educational experience for our students."

She continued: "I would like to take the opportunity to praise the vision and ambition of Chairman Dr P Mohamed Ali and his small group of dedicated academic leaders and administrators in both founding Colleges, who have held fast to their dream and worked so hard over many years to make this new University a reality. They have indeed changed the higher education world here in Oman for the better offering countless precious new opportunities for STEM education to their students."

The inauguration event on Monday was followed by fruitful discussions with Oman's Minister of Higher Education, Minister of Health and the Army Nursing Service regarding taking forward future opportunities in the country.

The Principal then conferred degrees on 710 students at the Caledonian College graduation ceremony on Wednesday. In her address, she told the graduands: "Our two nations understand the immense value and significance of higher education. Through research, our Universities encourage curiosity, creativity, innovation and prosperity in our economies and through education they unlock talent and transform lives, and contribute untold social benefit."