Celebrating graduation at GCU London

Students at GCU London have celebrated their graduation.

Twenty-eight graduands were presented with their degrees and capped by Chair of Court Rob Woodward.

They were joined by Professor Iain Renwick, President of our British School of Fashion, who gave a leadership speech at the event on campus.

Professor Renwick, who has enjoyed a successful career with businesses including Habitat Ltd and Liberty plc, told students: “Each and every one us truly has the ability to be a leader of change, individual actions can change the world for the common good. Always remember, yes, you can.”

Professor Antony Morgan, GCU London Dean and Professor in Public Health, said: “Congratulations to all of our students who are graduating today at Glasgow Caledonian University London – it is the culmination of dedicated study, hard work and the beginning of an incredible journey. We are delighted to share in your success, go forth and do well for yourselves and also for others.”