Finance Secretary gives ringing endorsement of University research strategy

“I readily welcome the fact that Glasgow Caledonian has adopted the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals,” said Derek Mackay MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work, as he outlined their importance at the University’s annual research celebration.

GCU's research strategy is underpinned by the Sustainable Development Goals, issued by United Nations in 2015 and developed in order to ‘end poverty, ensure prosperity for all and protect the planet’.

“GCU is actually a pioneer in using them,” Mr Mackay continued. “The Sustainable Development Goals are central to the University’s mission and I'm so supportive of GCU in taking them forward. Adopting them here is so powerful.

“The Scottish Government has the Sustainable Development Goals underpinning our National Performance Framework. It’s what we're trying to achieve as a country and as a government and that's why it's so encouraging that a university is a pioneer, using the Goals and then contributing to them so it can make that difference here in Scotland and around the world.”

Mr Mackay was joined at the event by Dr Ruth Hussey CB OBE, former Chief Medical Officer for Wales, and Shane McHugh, Head of International Partnerships at the Royal Academy of Engineering – both of who also offered insight into how research and innovation can be positively influenced by the Sustainable Development Goals.

Through its own research, GCU addresses the Sustainable Development Goals via three societal challenges of Inclusive Societies, Healthy Lives and Sustainable Environments.

This work was exhibited throughout the day via various workshops and activities. Workshops included Solving water issues in Nigeria, Electrical stimulation to promote health in adults, and much, much more.