St Andrew's Fair Saturday - a celebration of arts and culture

The University is playing its part in the St Andrew's Fair Saturday on November 30 with a lively programme of events.

St Andrew's Fair Saturday is Scotland's contribution to Fair Saturday, a global movement with a positive cultural impact that takes place the day after Black Friday. Its aim is to generate a massive mobilisation of people in support of arts and culture to highlight their essential role in building a better future. Fair Saturday is based on cultural activities of all kind, each of which collaborates with a social cause which the artists choose.

Please find below our programme of events, which are free and open to the public, our staff, students and graduates. 

​​- 11.30am to 12pm: ​​Glasgow City Council Schools Concert Band​, Hamish Wood foyer​​

- 12.30pm to 1pm​: A night at the winter movies – the University Choir with friends from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, ​Hamish Wood foyer

- 1.30pm to 2.20pm​: Rachel's Cousins – a play by Ann Marie Di Mambro. Rehearsed reading by Maureen Carr (Teresa from River City) and Gary Sweeney (Gabriel from River City)​ Campus Life rooms 1&2, George Moore building

For those wishing to make a voluntary contribution on the day, the benefiting charities are Drake Music Scotland and Breast Cancer Support. 

To find out more about these free events and to register for any or all of them, please visit Eventbrite.