University Archive explores women's role in campaigns to create a fairer world

University Archivist Carole McCallum
University Archivist Carole McCallum

The University Archive is celebrating International Women's Day with an exhibition exploring women's role in international campaigns to create a fairer world.

This year's International Women's Day theme is "each for equal" and calls on everyone to play their part in creating an equal, just world. And the Archive is showcasing some of its resources that illustrate the role of women around the world in human rights campaigns including the anti-apartheid movement and the battle to topple Pinochet's dictatorship in Chile.

University Archivist Carole McCallum said: "The display will run throughout spring and we have selected resources from our international collections that give a flavour of the activism women have been involved in, from gender politics to the anti-apartheid and trades union movements. It shows how women have fought to make the world better for everyone and includes, for example, beautifully illustrated posters from Chile, and a gorgeous 1960s Russian postcard decorated with mimosa – a symbol of International Women's Day.

"We haven't included lots of background material and there is no story; we hope instead that you'll see something here that inspires you to come along to the Archive to learn more about it. As the University for the Common Good, our Archive is freely accessible to everyone in our community, so come through our doors and explore the incredible wealth of materials we look after."

The display, #EachForEqual: International Women Activists, features material from the UK, Chile, South Africa, Namibia, the US, China and Russia and is on display in the Sir Alex Ferguson Library now and runs throughout spring.