GCU on top of the world in impact rankings

GCU’s dedication to the United Nations' (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has seen us named number one in the UK for promoting gender equality – and in the top five in the world – in the latest Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings.

We are ranked 69th in the world overall out of 1155 universities, which places us in the top 6%, the same positioning as last year when we were ranked 43rd out of 766 universities. The rankings also place GCU fourth in Scotland and 16th in the UK.

This outstanding performance reflects all aspects of the University's work – education, research, partnerships, employment, facilities and operations. 

First published in 2019, the University Impact Rankings shine a light on the institutions that are working hard to tackle global issues such as gender equality, climate change and quality education for all. They show how the global higher education sector is working towards the SDGs, a universal set of 17 goals that were adopted by the UN in 2015 to provide a framework for developing the world in a sustainable way.

GCU performed particularly well in a number of key areas, with the University ranking in the top 10 in the world against two of the SDGs, and in the top 25 for another.

We performed most strongly in achieving gender equality, ranking fifth in the world (compared to 12th last year), first in Scotland and first in the UK; responsible consumption and production, ranking joint 10th in the world, second in Scotland and sixth in the UK; and promoting decent work and economic growth, ranking 24th in the world, first in Scotland and fifth in the UK.

The University is also in the top quartile globally for seven SDGs, including good health and wellbeing, reducing inequalities and sustainable cities and communities.

Principal and Vice-Chancellor Professor Pamela Gillies, CBE, FRSE, welcomed the outstanding results.

She said: "These results confirm that Glasgow Caledonian University is one of the top performing universities in the world when it comes to the social outcomes we deliver through our work.

"I am proud that our University is once again in the top 6% universities in the world for social impact, and that our long-standing commitment to contributing to the SDGs and to social innovation has been recognised.

"Now, more than ever, we need to continue this work, support our local communities and find new and more innovative ways to tackle global challenges."

To view the results in full, and to find out more about the THE University Impact Rankings, visit the Times Higher Education website here.