Glasgow Caledonian students enjoy some of the best access to health services in the UK

Students at Glasgow Caledonian enjoy some of the best access to health services in the UK.

The University has been ranked in the top 'Platinum tier' in a nationwide survey conducted by healthcare providers on behalf of online prescription service UK Meds. UK Meds describes the 15 Platinum-ranked institutions as "universities with the most accessible health services for students''.

Glasgow Caledonian is rated 11th in the UK and fourth in Scotland.

The survey analysed NHS data to assess the number of GP surgeries, sexual health clinics and pharmacies in the postcodes of each major UK university. Each university was assigned a score for the accessibility of each medical centre type. Each of the top ranked universities also offers wellbeing advisers and student counselling on site, along with online resources.

UK Meds conducted its analysis in response to a recent study that found that almost 50% of university students say their mental health and wellbeing have declined since the beginning of the academic year. The study's respondents also reported that maintaining their physical health has been a struggle due to rising costs.

UK Meds says: "Universities are vital in promoting student health initiatives and ensuring access to healthcare. Their influence extends beyond the campus, significantly impacting the surrounding communities by setting a strong example in health and wellbeing. When looking at the actions taken by the Platinum universities, such as offering wellbeing advisers and student counselling on site, along with online resources, it's clear their initiatives can be replicated at any UK university."

Learn more about the UK Meds survey.