Danny Mirza

Danny Mirza
MSc Social Innovation
Head of the Talent Team, Coventry University London
“The feeling of making a difference for other people - it’s the best feeling in the world.”
It wasn’t too long ago that Danny Mirza was out of work, in a brand-new country, with no idea what was next. Now, he’s Head of the Talent Team at Coventry University London, dedicating his time to helping international students follow his path to success.
For Danny, it all started at Glasgow Caledonian.
Danny came to Glasgow Caledonian with two master’s degrees and his own business already in the bag, but his MSc in Social Innovation was a game-changer.
“I was expecting something very bookish, very theoretical. But it wasn’t the case. The degree itself was very experiential.
“The modules were very practical, and I could use them on the same day in a live-case scenario. In this case it was my own business.”
Danny still runs that business on a part-time basis with the help of his wife, but he says his true passion lies elsewhere.
“My main calling was to work in careers and employability, and I think that all started with the university, with Glasgow Caledonian.”
“I was like, ‘Okay, I’m an international student in the UK, how can I help other students living in the UK to live a better life, just the way I made it work?’
“I realised that careers and employability teams in UK universities had the capacity- and could be the foundation- for students to take it to the next level.
“My first role in [that sector] was with Glasgow Caledonian. Just as I finished the degree, I got a role as a Careers Development Officer.
“I went on to become an employability consultant for London South Bank University. Then I became a Careers manager at the University of Northampton. Now I’m the Lead for the Careers Service at Coventry University London.
“That basis that Glasgow Caledonian gave me- it helped me find purpose, and that purpose was careers and employability.”
During his time at London South Bank and the University of Northampton, Danny was awarded “Employability Enhancement Award” and “Professional Services Staff Member of the Year”, recognising his work supporting students. Danny has also been shortlisted for several awards for his work with generative AI and careers, including most recently as “International Alumni of the Year” at the PIEoneer Awards 2024.
“What I love about what I do is that every single day you have a chance to change somebody’s life through an appointment, through even a five-minute chat.
“The feeling of making a difference for other people - it’s the best feeling in the world.”
Now, Danny looks back on his time at Glasgow Caledonian fondly, as the place where he found his calling.
“Glasgow Caledonian staff members, academics, anyone from the university, I find them to be the nicest, nicest human beings in the world.
“It may be a Scottish thing as well, but I think Glasgow Caledonian is amazing, and a great support.”
“If you have the have the vision, the energy and the passion to make things happen, Glasgow Caledonian has the platform for you to kick-start anything.”
In addition to his work with Coventry University London, Danny runs webinars and sessions for universities around the UK on the applications of generative AI in the careers and higher education sectors. Find out more by following Danny on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dannymirza/.
Glasgow Caledonian staff members, academics, anyone from the university, I find them to be the nicest, nicest human beings in the world."