Plan your career

This page helps provide information on different steps to help you plan and develop your career.

Career planning

Learn more about how to generate career ideas, develop yourself and find opportunities to build your career.

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Labour market information

Labour Market Information can help you understand market trends and make informed career choices. Learn more about it here.

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Supporting your career: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

This section includes important information about resources and support with respect to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the graduate labour market.

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Enterprise and entrepreneurship

Key information and signposting on the planning aspects of setting up and running your own business.

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Options for PhD students

We can support you to pursue an academic career path or into the many other career sectors open to you as a PhD student.

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Changing your course

If you are having doubts about your course or even your choice of university, it is important that you confront the issue without delay.

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Further study

Here you find relevant resources to help you consider further study options.

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