Whatever you need to know about exams, this is the place to start. We offer lots of useful information and advice about every aspect of exams, from start to finish – right through to graduation.
Exam timetable
The Trimester B timetable will be available here in March
Exam periods 2025 2025 Exam periods Start date Finish date Trimester A
8 January 2025
17 January 2025 Trimester B
28 April 2025 14 May 2025 Trimester C and re-assessments
11 August 2025 22 August 2025
Exam stress
Who to contact for support
If you feel that things are becoming too much, there is a variety of support available:
If you are experiencing issues that you think might affect your performance in an exam find out about Fit to Sit .
Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help.
Ten tips for minimising exam stress
It's never too late to make a revision plan or timetable. Doing so will help you prioritise and feel more in control. But be realistic. Schedule regular breaks, and do take them. Make breaks longer as the day goes on. Remember that most people can only concentrate fully for about 45 minutes at a time. Don’t try to revise for too long in one day, especially as exams draw nearer. Try to avoid revising late at night. Work on your most difficult subjects during your ‘peak’ periods. For some, this is usually between 10am and 12noon, and 3pm and 4.30pm. Try to get enough sleep – tiredness promotes anxiety. Spend some time unwinding before you go to bed. Pay attention to your diet, and take regular, aerobic exercise if you enjoy it. Check out the facilities in the ARC . Avoid caffeine, which in large doses can cause tension and anxiety. Remember there's caffeine in tea, cola drinks and chocolate, as well as coffee. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you spend some time relaxing and having fun. Consider revising with friends – splitting responsibility for obtaining photocopies and revision notes can save a lot of time. There's group space in the Learning Cafe and the Library Avoid people who are obviously panicking. It can be contagious. Try not to overanalyse each exam, as this can also increase your anxiety about later papers. Aim instead for a constructive appraisal of your time management. Try some relaxation exercises. They can reduce your overall anxiety level and help you cope with any panicky feelings. Check out what’s available at the ARC – relaxation classes are sometimes available or you could consider therapeutic massage. The NHS Inform website also has some suggestions on relaxation exercises.
When to start
Try to start revising as early as possible.
From the first week of the semester:
Attend all lectures and seminars Organise your notes into topics Learn how to take effective notes. The tutors teaching you are setting the exam so it will be shaped by their lectures/seminars/labs. Listen carefully and note the topics, points, theories, and arguments emphasised.
Read your lecture notes each week and fill in any missing information (ask fellow students or the tutor if you have missed any important points).
Do any necessary reading. This doesn't mean working through the entire reading list. Read selectively to help you cover all important topics and better understand complex areas. Add essential information to your notes.
Aim to read quickly and effectively, making the best use of your time.
All this early work will make your revision so much easier. It will be the basis for the first stage; organising the information you are going to learn by topic.
What to revise
Each module’s learning outcomes and syllabus – and most importantly how your tutors interpret these – should guide your revision. You should listen carefully to your tutors, as they focus on key points and topics. Don't revise everything.
When revising always note important theories, writers, ideas and arguments.
Examiners like to see evidence of wider reading so reference to writers/theories will boost your marks. Let this influence your revision.
How to revise
Select your list of topics Make your notes readable, colourful, and attractive to help you remember them. Draw up a realistic study schedule with a timetable that includes adequate breaks Find a place to study Work in short spells Build in times for checking what you have learned Think of studying with friends to provide a routine and share queries. Keep fresh and motivated. Aim for variety – try out different ways of reading and note-taking Use spare moments to recall/note facts Practice – quiz yourself.
How to remember and recall
Don't just read and re-read your notes – it's hard, boring work and doesn’t help you remember well.
Try to make the best use of your time by developing your study skills and time management strategies.
Try all or some of the following:
Summarise the key facts on one side of A4 Read around the topic and add to your notes Make lists of subtopics Scribble down ideas to include in answers Invent your own exam questions Write outline answers to questions Write plans for exam questions For each topic you are revising draw up an introductory paragraph that you can adapt in the exam Include some key facts/theories/writers/ideas/arguments to show your knowledge List your points on a large piece of paper Try to write what you know about a topic in 100 words Reduce information to keywords Practise techniques for planning your answers in the exam Write bullet points (key phrases and names/dates) on Post-its. Put them in places where they will jog your memory – like a mirror or kitchen cupboard Get up, move around explain all you can recall Draw diagrams Use mind maps; number rhyme systems mnemonics. Find out more on Peter Russell Mind Maps or the Learning Centre Exchange . Think about how you will tackle the exam. Have a plan.
Where can I get more help with revision?
The Learning Development Centres can help you with your revision with advice on:
Finding information Note-taking Time management Motivation.