Record TV programmes

We subscribe to BoB (Box of Broadcasts). It allows you to record programmes, watch items from the archive, create clips, search for programmes coming up in the next seven days, compile your favourite shows into playlists and share these with others. You can link out to clips and programmes from GCULearn but due to licence restrictions students in countries outside of the UK cannot use this material, any programmes will be protected by a login process.

To use BoB
  • Go to BoB
  • BoB should automatically log you in to your account using the Domain username and password information from your computer
  • First time users (staff and students) will be asked to register but any further access will be through your domain username and password

If you can't find what you want on BoB, you could try searching TRILT. This service is operated by the British Universities Film and Video Council (BUFVC) and shows which programmes can be ordered on their off air recording service. More information on the service and FAQs are available from the website. This is very useful for lecturers who may have missed a programme. To order an off air recording, contact the Audio Visual Service. Items supplied by TRILT can be used under the provisions of the ERA licence. They can only be made available on GCULearn if access is limited to the UK.

If you are having problems using BoB, try their help pages or contact the learning technologist for your school.