
The scanning service helps you make book chapters and journal articles more easily accessible for your students. This practice allows the GCU community to extract the best possible value from the library's resources. Upon producing a scan we will make it available via the Resource Lists service. More information about Resource Lists can be found on our website.

The material requested must comply with the Copyright Licencing Agency's Photocopying and Scanning Higher Education Licence. More information on copyright.

What can be scanned?
  • The library must own the print or electronic copy of the book or journal.
  • From a book, copy up to one chapter or 10% of the total, whichever is greater.
  • From a journal issue, copy up to two whole articles, or, in some cases, any number of articles – or 10%, whichever is the greater.
  • If the library does not own a copy of the required book or journal, it may be possible to request a copyright cleared scan from the British Library if they have it in their collection.

To request a new scan please fill in a scanning form, providing as much information as possible.

How we deal with requests?
  • We will make scans available via the Resource Lists service.
  • We aim to provide scans as quickly as possible but this will vary depending on the number of requests. Please submit your requests as early as possible.

Please send any enquiries on the scanning service to