Customer Service Excellence

In May 2020, Library Services, Student Life and IT Service Management achieved Customer Service Excellence accreditation.

Customer Service Excellence (CSE) is awarded following the successful assessment of five criteria: Customer Insight; The Culture of the Organisation; Information and Access; Delivery; and, Timeliness and Quality of Service.

The Assessor found that:

  • Our staff are very approachable and customer focused. Their priority is to ensure customers receive the best possible service
  • We have developed an ethos of continuous improvement through the utilisation of the Customer Service Excellence standard
  • Staff are open, transparent and willing to learn from the Customer Service Excellence process
  • Our customers expressed a view that we provide high-quality services and that staff are helpful and courteous

Our award was successfully reviewed in 2021 and 2022, full reaccreditation was achieved in 2023 and reviewed again in 2024.

We have been awarded Compliance Plus in seven of the elements: customer insight; making improvements to services by analysing customer journeys; ensuring all customer groups are treated fairly; providing information in ways which meet our customers’ needs; improving the range, content and quality of information; learning from customer feedback; meeting standards for timeliness and quality of customer service.

We will continue to be assessed annually to ensure that we meet the needs of all our customer groups and embed customer focus as we develop our services further.

Below you will find links to examples of evidence which underpin our Customer Service Excellence award. You can also provide feedback on our services, find out how user feedback has led to positive changes, and learn more about CSE accreditation.