Getting started

This section of GCU Go provides you with resources that will help you to get started with your learning. Whether you are new to learning, or just want a refresher on how to engage with learning resources, this section acts as your starting place.

The resources are organised under two headings - Get prepared and Get engaged and get going - to help you know what to access at different times within your learning journey. But of course, everyone is individual and we understand that you may need different things at different times. So, please just treat the following headings as a guide.

Get prepared

Resources under the ‘get prepared’ heading should help you to get started with your learning. You might want to start with these resources to help you get orientated. Here are some suggested starting points for you:

Learning Development Centres

Each School in the University has a Learning Development Centre (LDC) which provides support for students,

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Resource lists - information for students

How to access and use your resource lists

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IT service

During your learning experience, you may need help, or have questions about IT. The GCU IT helpdesk is your first point of contact.

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Introduction to learning and studying online

If you are new to learning and studying online, then you may have questions, or feel a little uncertain about what learning online means and how you will manage this. Access the resource above to view a resource that will guide you through some of the basics of learning and studying online.

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Get engaged and get going

Resources under the ‘get engaged and get going’ heading should help you to engage with and make the most of your learning as you progress through your learning experience.

Getting started with One Drive

As a registered student in Glasgow Caledonian University you now have a student Microsoft account which includes the full Microsoft Office package and online or cloud storage space in OneDrive. Find out how to get started and set up One Drive on your device.

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Sir Alex Ferguson Library gives access to books, open-access PCs and a huge range of online resources including databases, ebooks, journals and more.

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