
If you start a full-time or part-time master’s course in Scotland and you are Scottish domiciled, you can apply for a Postgraduate Loan from SAAS for eligible courses. You’ll be able to borrow up to £11,500 in total to pay your fees and help with living costs.  .

Only EU nationals who are ‘settled’ or ‘pre-settled’ in the UK will remain eligible to apply for home tuition fees providing they meet the residency conditions.  Some EEA and Swiss nationals will be eligible if they meet residency conditions.

Irish nationals who are living in the Common Travel Area of the UK, Islands or Ireland and started a course of study in Scotland from session 2021-2022 will be entitled to apply to SAAS for funding.  The funding available depends on your residence eligibility

Distance Learning Masters – Courses undertaken at a non-campus based institutions such as OU may be eligible for funding providing they meet all other rules of the scheme.

Please click on this link for further information on Postgraduate Loans.

RUK students need to apply to their own Local Education Authority for funding support to study in Scotland

Research Masters courses are not funded unless there is a taught element.

Pre-Registration Nursing Courses are not funded through the Postgraduate loan scheme.

Discretionary Fund

This fund is available to help with study and living costs if you are struggling financially. There are certain eligibility criteria that need to be met in order to apply.

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Funds are available for Home students to help towards registered childcare costs during term time. These costs may include a nursery, child minder or after school care.

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Disabled students allowance

DSA is extra help for students who have a disability, a mental health condition, or specific learning difficulty, like dyslexia or dyspraxia.

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Managing your money

We have a lot of advice and tips that can help you to manage your money better.

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Other sources of funding

This page provides links and useful information on various sources of funding that students can apply to for help with tuition fees (if you are self-funding) or general study and living costs.

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Struggling for money

This is a difficult time and we know many of you are struggling with finances. Information is available on how GCU can help. you, If you are struggling financially and are unsure what to do.

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